To all who attended the trek! Use this page to share your feelings and experiences with us all. We hope to add this to the stakes history that will be turned in to the church later this year. Thanks for being great! The future of the church is in good hands. I look forward to seeing your posts.

Uncle Bob.......don't forget to check one more time for tiny hitchhikers....ticks


  1. Post your comments you can do it!

    Uncle bob

  2. What an amazing experience. I'm so grateful I got to share it with Amanda, Brittany, McKenzie, Shelby and Stephanie from my ward.

    Melodie and Russ Stauffer were a great Ma and Pa and I am grateful to have been a tag along Aunt to Stephanie, Megan, Kamie, Megan, Matt, Trevor, Daniel and Patrick. Their physical strength was only surpassed by their spiritual strength and perspective on this whole experience. They understood the purpose and were willing to endure whatever aches and pains came along without complaint. I especially appreciate them carrying my burden as well. I wasn't much (any) help with the handcart. They were awesome and I hope to see them again.
